Friday, February 24, 2006

A diddy for you.........

I am the common in your sense.
I give true understanding.

I have many things to tell you.

I hate deception.

I love truth.

Wholesome advice comes from my lips.

Silver and gold have nothing on me.

My best friend is good judgment.

I hate pride.

I hate arrogance.

I hate corruption.

I hate your filthy mouth.

Success is my path.

True justice exist because of me.

If you want to find me, search for me.

I have existed since the beginning of time.

I am older than the Earth itself.

I was there when the Heavens were established.

I am the architect beside the Great One.

If you follow my ways, you will be happy.

If you hate me, then you love death.

Find me, find life.

Find me and you will have the approval from Him on high.

Who am I?