Sunday, February 19, 2006

Ice and snow is guaranteed to do one thing........

That one thing in Oklahoma is to take life to a slow, slow, slow crawl. Back in my Missouri days, ice and snow just put a delay on life. It had to be a blizzard or an ice storm from the planet Hoth to put life on hold. I remember waking up the morning of or after a winter storm hoping and praying that the Lawson School District would show up on the cancelled school list on the news. Usually it did not. We had the most stubborn school officials. Every school in our area could be out, but we would be putting on the extra layer of clothes and heading off to school. The ice and snow that we just got here in Oklahoma would not of cancelled anything in Missouri. It is dangerous still. The road crew response in Missouri would of had the roads cleared with a storm like this as it came down. Road crew response in Oklahoma moves like a glacier. So, yes, two days later most of the roads are still covered in ice. Their is a saying here in Oklahoma, "If you do not like the weather in Oklahoma, wait a couple days and it will change." I checked out the forecast for the next week. They say it will be 42 degrees tomorrow and in the 60's by midweek. I have cracked the Oklahoma road crew philosophy. Just sit on your......butt......until God Himself melts the ice. I am so glad they are looking out for the lives of everyone who is out driving around. Do you sense the sarcasm?

We did have church this morning. Unlike all the other heathens who canceled. Just kidding. Pastor Jimmie Don talked about the need for Christians to be devoted to one another. I know some of you want me to move back to the Motherland (Missouri). Do you know the main reason why I hesitate to move? My church. I know I have many friends and my family in MO. I will have them even if I continue to live in OK. We have true friendship within our congregation. Our church does have it's issues, do not get me wrong. My question for you is, how much do you see people from your church congregation through out the week? I go to church with my friends. My pastor is not only my Shepard, he is my friend. My music and youth ministers are dear friends of mine. I love going to church because I get to see people who are dear to me. When we greet each other I do not have to put on a fake smile and say "hello." I say "hello" and shake their hands because I am really glad to see them. The best thing of all is we come together to honor God in His service together. Are we perfect? Far from it. We face problems and disagreements all the time. Even with our warts, I have faith that we can overcome our problems because we love each other and most of all we love God.
"Be devoted to one another with mutual love, showing eagerness in honoring one another." -Romans 12:10