Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Crusing at the speed of 2.08 GHz..................................

I stumbled on a computer the other day that looked like a good deal. Since my laptop is slowly desentegrating and will not connect to the internet at home, I jumped on the deal. I got it through a friend and it was one of those deals that you did not know for sure what what problems it might have, if any. After working through some of the issues, I now have a humming computer machine. It pretty much has it all and it will be work to fill the hard drive. Now I can get online at home at my leisure. I do have a computer at work, but their are limitatons to the network. When I try to pull up a blogger.com blog I have no idea what I am gonna get. Sometimes I will get mine, Dave's, My Lady's, Pealsup's, and many times some other person randomly. Whatever page comes up I get stuck with for the night. I can type in my blogspot address and pull up someone completely different. Weird stuff. It only happens on OBU network connected computers. Now I can stop with the guess work and read whatever blog I want at home. Also, with the new computer I can start playing Star Wars Galaxies. Can be very dangerous.

My Dot Com update: The new computer means I can start to seriously build my website. Yeah!