Thursday, November 04, 2004

It is time to take a break.......................

Election '04 is over and a break from politics is due. Congrats to W!! I am glad he is coming back for "four more years." I am also glad we do not have to put up with Teresa Heinz-Kerry's stupid comments. Enough of that. Yes, it is break time. I will continue to watch the news, but with less frequency. I still want to keep up on world events. Instead of keeping up on the political events like in the past few months, I am going to use the time to read and write more.

Speaking of reading. I just finished Stephen King's The Gunslinger. The revised and expanded version of the first of seven books in The Dark Tower series. Dave finished the Tower series recently and it has encouraged me finish it myself. I had read the first three books back in high school. Their is no way I could just pick up where I left off and remember many of the details. I now stand with 300 pages behind me and 3500 before me. I am setting no completion date. It could be some time before I finish. I do have a couple other books I am trying to get through and yet I started Drawing of the Three. Go figure.

Changes to the Blog
If you have not noticed, some additions to my blog have been made. I now have a links section. One section for other blogs and conversation pieces and another for websites and other items of interest. It is easier to make comments on my blog. Just click on "comments" at the end of each entry. Enjoy!