Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The latest in Dark Tower news..........

I am not a USA Today reader. When taking a rest stop coming back from the family Christmas in Missouri, I noticed a snip of an article on the front page. I put my 75 cents in and bought a USA Today. The Dark Tower is going to appear in comic book form. Yes, ladies, gentleman, and Justin; you can have the opportunity to read about the Dark Tower without reading 3200 pages. Better yet, for you movie over books people, it will have pictures. I found the USA Today article online so you can read it and save 75 cents. Two things to mention. The King is closely working on the project. I quote "The series was delayed for a year to give King more time to devote to the project." Second, their will be new material about the Gunslinger. February 7th is the release date.