Saturday, August 05, 2006

Goals, what?.............

Do you have goals? No, I mean goals that you have actually written down. Everyone could rattle off a list of things they want to do in life. Our little wants change often. What are the things in life that you want to do that mean something to you? What is it that you want to do, that will change you in the process (for the better, of course)?

"I don't want to waste my time until it runs out." -Furthermore

"If time be of all things most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality, since lost time is never found again." -Benjamin Franklin (Justin, prodigality means "extravagant wastefulness")

Amanda can confirm, that I always have ideas flowing through my head. I want to write a book, record an album, finish my 2 unfinished children's books, actually do a podcast every week, have the opportunity to teach the Bible more, publish a comic book, start a business with one of my gazillion business ideas, start a film company that produces quality film from a Christian prospective, be a better husband, eventually(as in, I don't have kids yet) a good father, and the list goes on and on and on and on. Now I am 27 years old and I have not done most of those things. Do not get me wrong, I have done many things. I have had awesome opportunities thus far in life. But, we always have that wanting to do more. I have to remember....

"Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments." -Rose Kennedy

I have let myself be overwhelmed with my dreams and ideas. I have so many things I want to do that I end up doing nothing many times.

"I think our business as laymen is to take what we are given and make the best of it." -C.S. Lewis

Written goals are important. Go to the most successful people and you will find that they keep written goals. It is time for me to rewrite my goals. I have five months left in 2006. Let's see what I can do with it.

What are you going to do? Here is my challenge:
Write down 3 small things you want to get done. Items that will only take you a few minutes to accomplish, but for some reason you have not done yet. Focus on those things today and get them done!!! What do I mean by small thing? It could be laundry. It might be organizing your desk. Maybe it is focusing some extra special attention on your spouse. Do 3 things now!!!

Write down 3 things to do in the next week. Then focus on what you need to do everyday to accomplish that goal within the week. Do you have an extra room like me that is in major need of overhaul? It might take a day straight to organize. Of course you do not have a day to waste on it. Organize the room for 30 minutes everyday this week. My room is almost organized! Write those 3 goals down for the week and chip away at them!

What is one major goal you have? Story time. Zig Ziglar was trying to find the time to write his first book See You At the Top. Writing a book takes many hours. Zig broke down his goal. He decided when he wanted to be done with the book and how long it would be. After the division, Zig figured he needed to write a page and a quarter everyday to finish. If I remember right, he wanted to be done in 8 months. Everyday for 8 months Zig typed his page and a quarter. That book sold millions. Does it matter if you write a book and it sells millions? It might to you. What really matters is what the process will do to you. It will change you. It will make you better.

I know this might sound cheesy. Setting goals and focusing on them will help break procrastination and stagnation. I believe God wants us to be focused and goal oriented. Check out Noah, Joseph, Nehemiah, Solomon, Ezra to name a few.

"This is your life. Are you who you want to be?" -Switchfoot