Monday, January 10, 2005

I Finally Have Joined the Crowd...................

I finally viewed in full, Napoleon Dynamite. I knew half the lines beforehand because everyone is wandering about quoting the movie. Quotable movies are fun. If you get me and my brothers in a room together, I am sure we could almost reinact Spaceballs in it entirety. Here are some Dynamite quotes for you.

Napoleon: "Well, no one's gonna go out with me."
Pedro: "Have you asked anybody yet?"
N: "No, but who would? I don't even have any go skills."
P: "What do you mean?"
N: "You know, like, numchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills."

"La Fawnduh"

"Who wants to eat chimichangus* next year, um, not me." (misspelled on purpose)

"Pedro offers protection."

"If you vote for me all of your wildest dreams will come true."