Wednesday, December 29, 2004


There it is ladies and gents! I got my XBox for Christmas along with the Knights of the Old Republic game. I am happy. I might not be so happy when I realize how much time I will waste playing the thing. It was a joint gift from a few people masterminded by My Lady. I was also glad to see the family over the holiday. I apologize to those I did not get to see while I was in Missouri. The day that I planned on using to see some of you got taken up by some other family stuff. Sorry you got trumped by the family card.

Something I learned from A Christmas Story

If you have never seen this movie, then shame on you. TBS shows the movie for 24 hours straight starting on the evening of Christmas Eve. I might do a post reviewing the Christmas movies from my Christmas movie list I did. To the point. Ralphie recognized and rejected what he saw as uneccesary commercialism. The scene when he get his Orphan Annie decoder pin and then gets the secret message from the radio show. In jepardy of getting in trouble for taking up the bathroom Ralphie deciphers the message "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine." He realized that it was nothing but a stupid commercial. It was not some coded message that had any real substance to it. It was not even secret at all. Ralphie at his young age recognized this. Way to go Ralphie, you get an A+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +. It meant something to me, hope it does to you.

For the second year in a row I read How the Grinch Stole Christmas to my nieces and nephew. It is my own little Christmas tradition. Well, I hope it turns into a tradition. One day I will read it to my children. The Grinch is an awesome book and would do anyone good to read it. Not all Suess is just for children. It puts Christmas in perspective in relation to all the material things that revolve around Christmas. I will of course read the "real" Christmas story about Jesus along with the Grinch one day when I have children.