Tuesday, January 04, 2005

January is the Month of Seasons..........

Happy New Year everyone!!! The years are passing. I have declared January as my month to watch entire seasons of various shows. Each week I am gonna tackle a whole season of a show. So that means four seasons in four weeks. I am beginning with season one of 24 staring Kiefer Sutherland. This is the show that progresses in real time. The 24 episode season covers 24 hours of time within the show. I am now currently 8 episodes or you might say 8 hours into the show. I am hooked. Not only is the program a unique format, but it has been written and acted with excellence. I will hold off on my review for now. I will give a review of each season at the end of each week.

Originally I played with the idea of watching a movie every day for the month. This idea was encouraged by a book that I borrowed from Dave. A Year at the Movies written by Mystery Science Theatre 3000's Kevin Murphy chronicles his movie going experience for an entire year. He did not go just to see movies. Murphy went to capture and chronicle the movie going experience in various venues in different ways. January is my my little Odyssey. I have never been one to have a weekly TV watching schedule. I want to capture a season's entirety for the first time. I also want to see if a show can be consistantly good from episode to episode. Do they tie together? I am starting with 24. I am going to watch a season of the X-Files (season 1 if possible). The other two I have yet to decide. I am going to do a comedy. The fourth needs to be a show that is different in genre from the other three. I would be happy to take your suggestions.