Friday, January 12, 2007

The Ice Monster is here..........

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Justin. That is not snow you see in my back yard. That is sleet. Before it started coming down, it had been raining. The precipitation is supposed to keep coming down through tomorrow. I was able to get some work done this morning, but now is not the time to have the rearwheeled, clumsy old van out on the roads. Amanda is at work and might be stuck there. Since she is scheduled to work tomorrow, they may have her stay the night because the roads will only get worst over night. She is prepared with extra clothes, food, hair stuff, etc. Even though this Missourian has been living on Oklahoma for a while, I sure have not picked up the bad weather Oklahoman idiocity. I have books, food, Dvd's, and my computer. I can ride this out with no problem. I do hope Amanda is able to come home. I love my dog Jack, but my Honey is a heck of a lot better company. Not to mention all the legal things we can do to stay warm. Tomorrow's agenda: Star Wars Marathon. I have yet to do this. It is going to happen. Anyone want to join me?

Picture taken at 2:00PM.