Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Welcome to Geekdom.........

If you know me personally, then you know Trevor the Star Wars collecting geek. Usually I am greeted with strange looks when people see my collection. I get questioned why I waste my time and money over something so silly. What people do not realize is they have silly hobbies and fetishes just like me. The difference is mine is not as socially acceptable as others. I live in Oklahoma. In Oklahoma you have two choices. OU or OSWho. Football season is right around the corner. The whole state of Oklahoma is gearing up to be more crazy and fanatical about OU and OSU football than I ever am when it comes to Star Wars collecting. Yet, I get the weird looks. Oh well, life will go on. What I have done is created another blog for my hobby. I am hoping to connect with people that find collecting fascinating. Most of you probably do not care, but I thought I would let you know. The blog is The Star Wars Collector. It is a place that I can use all of this seemingly useless information in my head.