Thursday, May 01, 2008

"In this place".........

I really appreciate what Manders pointed out in a recent post.

What is up with the phrase “in this place”? You know what I mean, if you’ve been in church: “Lord, we just ask You to be here in this place…” or some other permutation. It’s been bugging me because a) isn’t that just an overly verbose and/or redundant way of saying “here”? b) where else do you want Him to be? I don’t know.

Also–”Stand to your feet.” Where the heck else are you going to stand? Your hands? I don’t get it. :)

Christians have their own pop culture too. We catch on and do/say what sounds the most spiritual. We have our own fads and it makes me sickly. Deep down people say things like this so they can be perceived as "spiritual" or "holy." Who cares if it is Theologically correct or just logically correct. I know, I know, you are saying "Trevor, you cannot know that persons heart or intentions." True. Being human is something I know about. I know that being genuine and pure is in the minority. I know that it is in our nature to make ourselves look good.

"Be holy, because I am holy." - 1 Peter 1:16

"Being" and "Sounding" are far from being similar.

The rest of the Manders post can be found HERE.