Friday, February 07, 2003

Another night of work........

For those who do not know, I work a full-time night security job at my college. I get to hangout at a dorm all night and get paid for it. I do have certain responsibilities that I must fulfill, but it is a laid back ordeal. It allows me to do homework without distractions and do stuff like this. So, if some stuff I write sounds weird at times, it because of a lack of sleep.

I keep a pretty good eye on the news. So, it looks like the case has been made by Secretary Powell. I do wish that war could be avoided, but it is time to blow Saddam out of his bunker.

I want to note that I have set up a response forum. This is so you, the reader, can give me feedback to what i say. I would really like to know if you are actually reading. I will end each entry will the like to my forum. Zetataylor's Response Forum.

I will leave you with some words from "Shiv" by Stavesacre

Nothing lost, just cut away
Nothing left to hinder me
Pushing on, stronger everyday
Leaning into the wind that used to carry me